Ep 98 - Final Fantasy 1: An Enduring Saga (Part 2)
A Gamer Looks At 40April 08, 2024
01:35:0865.36 MB

Ep 98 - Final Fantasy 1: An Enduring Saga (Part 2)

On Part 1 of our two part exploration of the original Final Fantasy, we talked intros and first impressions. For Part 2, we start by talking about the game's many inspirations and the amazing moments that blew our 10 year old minds. A mixed bag of topics that somehow ties into the overall theme of this series: Final Fantasy 1 is a classic for a reason, warts and all. Oh, and we talk about Warmech. Lots and lots of Warmech. 

STARRING (all handles from Twitter)

Barry Carenza of Premium Edition Games (@HawkHellfire)
Greg Sewart of the Player One Podcast and Generation 16 (@sewart) 
John Trenbeath (@crazyjohnt)
Julian Titus (@julian_titus) of The Stage Select Podcast (@StageSelectPod)
Matt of the Backlog Busters (@skinnymattk)
Mike aka MageORage on Twitch and YouTube (@mageorage)
Nate McLellan (@natedoescomedy79 on TikTok)
Ryan aka @GameswCoffee


Final Fantasy: Main Theme (String Quartet) - ft. Israfelcello by Patti Rudisill - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii3IEp4UiL8

Let The Battle Begin | Final Fantasy VII | MES by Mariachi Entertainment System - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRvwScxf1Kw

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ff_series,Final Fantasy,square enix,retro rpg,